Maggie’s Adoption Story | Boston Adoption Films and Photos

I feel deep purpose in being an archivist for families. Every family is like their own library of stories. I love walking alongside families and documenting a new chapter in one of their many stories—this one is Maggie’s adoption story.

This little wonder (Maggie) was prayed and longed for. I still remember having coffee with her mom and squealing with delight when she told me they had begun having conversations about adopting. Over many years, this thought became intention and, when they became foster parents, Maggie was their first.

Two years ago, I gifted my friend this film. At the time, her family had no way of knowing what the future held, but they trusted the One who held their future. Even as they hoped to adopt Maggie, there were no guarantees, so we made a film to remember her by…whatever the outcome.

Last month her adoption was finalized and so many hearts rejoiced.

Today this sweet girl lights up every room she toddles into and keeps us laughing with her antics. I can’t wait to read the story God writes for Maggie and am so grateful for the opportunity to document her early days with her forever family. I hope that when Maggie is grown, she’ll watch her film and never question how much she was yearned for and loved from the very beginning.

For now, this is just the start of the beautiful narrative that is Maggie’s adoption story.

love amy xo


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