I first met this little beauty in the hospital when she was a day old for a Fresh 48 session. Her adoring parents were smitten then, even more so at her newborn session six weeks later, and exponentially more at this six-month First Year session. That’s the thing parenting books don’t tell you. That your […]
I’ve been doing a fair bit of mentoring lately and am always transparent on my intake Zooms. I tell potential mentees, “Don’t choose to mentor with me because you want to fast-track your business or make six figures. Choose me because you want to shoot with heart and intention.” I know my lane and I’m […]
This mama told me once over coffee that she wasn’t sure she’d ever want kids. Recently I got to train my camera on her and prove her wrong. 🙂 Babies shatter our sleep and our self-sufficiency in all the best ways. They are little mirrors that reflect back to us our capacity to love as […]
I believe that the words we speak over our children imprint on their hearts. In a quiet moment, I asked this father to speak his heart to his newborn daughter. He paused, reflecting… Then he spoke the centuries-old words of another Father…a Father whose fierce love is my freedom and peace. There is no greater […]
I love working in hospitals—I always have. I see them as a metaphor for life…joy and sorrow mingled. As a PT, there wasn’t a day I didn’t feel deep purpose stepping over the threshold. If you have any empathy at all, it’s actually impossible to feel sorry for yourself in a hospital. Hospitals clarify the […]
I just love the doors my camera opens for me. Early this year, it got me invited into the heart and home of one of Brenna’s favorite elementary school teachers! Before she was a wife and mama, this sweet lady wrangled a class of fidgety fourth graders. A sweet memory for me is all the […]