Grace Moments in 2024 | Boston Family Videographer + Photographer

This calendar page turn feels different.

Usually by New Year’s I have a word for the year and a mile-long list of goals, both personal and business. I have an inspirational IG caption all fired up and enough drive/motivation for a dozen people.
Not so this year. I’m experiencing something better than drive…contentment.

I find myself praying for more of the same. As my parents/in-laws age and my oldest prepares to fly the nest in another year, my mundane is enough. Just as the most precious things in life feel like they are slipping through my fingers, I HAVE ENOUGH. Suddenly the things I’ve chased other years feel like they steal my attention from the things that really matter.

I’ve never felt so settled in my habits, rhythms, and business. I don’t need more excitement, more clients, or more influence. I’m grateful for what I have and satisfied with what I receive. And so for 2025, I wish for this contentment to stick around. It’s not the aspirational, intention-setting message you expect at New Year’s, but it’s where I’m at!

Feeling so grateful for these grace moments in 2024.

love amy xo


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