I am passionate about the power of spoken word and am always SO happy when parents want to include love letters to their children. Often (but not always) it’s the mom who books me and the mom who writes the letter on behalf of them both. That’s ok…dad’s heart echoes hers, and he’s already a hero for willingly participating in a three-hour film session!
Every so often, a dad comes along who has his own words for his kids. This edit slayed me. I feel so privileged to partner with big-hearted parents like these in blessing their children. Every video sequence that includes a love letter feels like sacred ground.
None of us knows how long we’re here or what our kids will remember of what we said. I want to create a keepsake for your kids that will outlive you. Something that they can return to time and time again to re-live the golden years of yore and give thanks for the parent(s) who made them feel known, seen, and cherished. The treasure of your voice speaking your love for them out into eternity—that’s priceless, and that’s the power of love letters.

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